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EM Emerging Leaders Institute: Nominations Open

Good afternoon, EM Team,

As we enter November, I’m excited to share more information related to a significant professional development opportunity for our division. Our EM leadership team has been refining the final component of the GROW 360 program, the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI). I’m delighted to share the nomination process for this new program is officially open. Please consider nominating one of your amazing colleagues for this unique opportunity to engage and grow as an EM professional.

More information on ELI:
The EM Emerging Leaders Institute is a one-year program bringing together EM colleagues who currently serve in a leadership role or who aspire to serve in a leadership position within Enrollment Management. Participants will engage in a variety of activities over the course of the calendar year, beginning in January and ending in December 2023.

The cohort-based program will provide an environment of mentorship and growth opportunities to aspiring EM leaders. Key components of the program will include professional development workshops with key leaders at UT and within Enrollment Management. Over the year, the cohort will also complete a 10-hour per month fellowship in an area within EM but outside their home unit, cultivating growth in new areas within EM.

The ELI nomination process is officially open, and I encourage you to consider nominating a deserving colleague to join the inaugural cohort. More information about the ELI program and the nomination process can be found at

I’m excited about the official launch of ELI and look forward to continued efforts and opportunities to investment in our division. For specific questions about ELI, please contact Janet Schmitt at or Michael Smith-Porter at

In the Volunteer spirit,

Kari Alldredge
Vice Provost, Enrollment Management
UT Promise Mentor